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Best Practice at Warwick

We are constantly striving to create an excellent research culture at Warwick. Here are some examples of best practice from across the University...

PGR Best Practice

  • Centre for Doctoral Training in Diamond Science and Technology: The CDT in EPSRC DST is committed to promoting Equality and Diversity within the field. Their webpages signpost all PGR students to ED&I resources, including Unconscious Bias training and access to the Royal Society’s Inclusion and Diversity Fund.

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Transferable Skills in Science: The PGCTSS is an accredited qualification that focuses on the skills required to be a successful researcher. There are 2 courses available for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.

  • The Postdoctoral Society of Chemistry (PSoC) was awarded a grant from the Royal Society of Chemistry's ‘Inclusion and Diversity Fund’ to run a series of seminars in relation to 'Breaking Barriers' to highlight and celebrate diversity in the workplace.

ECR Best Practice

  • Integration of postdoctoral research fellows on fixed-term contracts: All postdoctoral research fellows receive invitations to seminars, workshops, staff training, and are represented at departmental committee meetings.

  • Fostering a sense of community between postdocs within departments and across the faculty: Through regular ‘get to know each other’ events, postdocs are encouraged to meet colleagues and share experiences as a way of ensuring they feel included within department life and creating a sense of fellowship amongst all researchers.

  • Sessions organised by departments and Research & Impact Services: These sessions help ECRs navigate the external funding landscape, focussing particularly on under-represented ECRs with funding events developed specifically for early career scholars.

  • Departmental internal peer review systems for research funding applications: All staff are encouraged to apply for research funding supported by departmental internal peer review systems that provide feedback and mentoring for early career researchers.

ECR Best Practice – Medicine
  • Networking: Warwick Medical School has a website signposting opportunities for academic career development and training. They offer opportunities for networking at all levels, including informal coffee and catch-up events as well as active research networks including a network for Early Career Researchers.

  • Discussion forum for ECRs: to facilitate sharing of ideas, experience and knowledge across disciplines, encouraging researchers to stay at WMS.

  • Support and internal peer review for fellowship applications.

  • Research staff at all levels have access to the WMS Mentoring Scheme, to identify training needs and to develop an individualised Career Development Plan.

  • The progress of Early Career Researchers is monitored via a bespoke departmental advisory committee. Established for all WMS ECRs, the committee provides a sounding board, covering research focus/funding, teaching, career development and planning.

ECR Best Practice – Social Sciences
  • Departmental mentor schemes to establish support systems aiming to boost morale and enhance a positive research environment.

  • Internal peer review systems to support academics applying for research grants.

  • Dedicated senior management resource with responsibility for overseeing Postdoctoral experience and nominated points of contact to raise any issues/concerns.

  • The Faculty of Social Sciences ECR Forum: This forum is designed to support research, impact and collaborations between early career researchers across the faculty of social sciences. It is open to post-doctoral researchers, assistant professors, teaching fellows, and other individuals at an early stage in their research careers. The forum runs networking and development events across the year, and also supports an online community for ECRs.

Best Practice – ED&I

  • Support for ECRs regarding clear progression routes: Professor Dave Haddleton is the champion of de-mystification of promotions procedures, to encourage more female submissions.

  • Careful choice of wording in recruitment adverts to encourage diversity in applications and mixed gender and ethnicity interview panels.

  • Bespoke individual support to staff in special circumstances who need extra help.

  • Open culture where everyone feels welcome and valued: our facilities include a multi-faith prayer room and celebration of important feasts, as well as a nursing room.

  • Black in Physics’ week: Seven topical days covering different aspects of Physics, with professional and social events, as well as community-building activities on Twitter and a daily article written by a Black physicist.