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Academic Promotion


Technical Specialists Promotions

The University of Warwick has piloted the Technical Specialist promotional pathway for 2023/24, which will run alongside Academic Promotion. To find out more on this topic or to apply, please follow this link.

Key dates for 2023/24

  • 15 December 2023 - Departments to notify Academic Processes of anticipated applications.
  • 15 January 2024 - Deadline for which applications should be sent to Academic Processes.
  • Spring/Summer terms - Consideration of applications.
      • 12 March 2024 – First UPPC meeting to review Professorial Cases.
        Decisions made on whether to progress to the next meeting. Reference’s will be requested at this stage.
      • 27 March 2024– First ASC meeting to consider promotions to grades FA6, FA7 & FA8.
      • 17 April 2024 – Second ASC meeting to consider promotions to grades FA8 Reader.
      • 5 June 2024 – Third ASC meeting to consider any final cases.
      • 14 June 2024 – Second UPPC meeting to consider Professorial Cases following receipt of references.
      • End of Summer term - Where possible outcomes will be communicated to applicants by the end of the Summer term.
      • 1 August 2024 - Date from which promotions are effective.

      Memberships for both ASC and UPPC can be found here.Link opens in a new window

      Promotions Advisers 

      Following the positive responses to the introduction of promotions advisers in recent years it has been decided to continue to offer this service for the coming promotions cycle. Advisers will be individuals who have some experience of the processes but they will not directly involved in the process. Departments will routinely provide advice and support to their staff and the role of the adviser is the provision of additional advice about how best to present a case. All the promotions advisers are volunteers and will be willing to review and comment on submissions and/or discuss in person (probably via MS Teams) as appropriate.

      If you would like to request a promotions adviser, please could you email AcademicProcesses, Resource and just give us a very brief indication of why this would be of particular benefit. There is no deadline for requests but we’d encourage you to contact us as soon as possible so that we can match you to an adviser.

      Call for Volunteers

      We would also welcome further volunteers to act as promotion advisers to guide candidates though the process, if you would be willing to act as an adviser, please email Academic Processes 


      Academic Promotion Success StoriesLink opens in a new window

      With Warwick Institute of Engagement, we're happy to share these stories from colleagues who've been successful in their promotions applications, particularly using their Impact, Outreach and Engagement work to support their work.

      Academic Promotion Process

      Senate have recently approved the new framework for academic promotions which was implemented for the 2018/19 promotions round.

      Please find below supporting information and documents:

      For applications to change career pathway at the same level please use the following application form:

      For any other queries, please contact: 

      For a recording of the previous promotion explained session, held on 14 October 2022, please see the link below:

      Download a recording of 14 Oct sessionLink opens in a new window

      Example Application Forms and CV's
      To assist applicants, some members of the Academic Processes Review Group have provided sample application forms and CV's which can be viewed here.

      Teaching Focussed Pathway

      The TR&R Learning Circle are pleased to share the output of some work conducted to support teaching focussed staff in developing their promotion applications. See link below for a set of example activities and evidence that teaching focussed colleagues have previously used in successful applications across the spectrum of levels of promotion. These authentic, anonymised examples are intended to supplement the examples given within the University Academic Promotions Criteria documentation to support teaching focussed colleagues in articulating their evidence against the criteria.

      Academic Promotions - Teaching Focussed

      Support for Impact, Outreach and Engagement elements of your Promotion Application

      The Warwick Institute of Engagement (WIE) is dedicated to supporting all staff (across all pathways) with the impact, outreach and engagement elements of their promotion application. Please click on the link below to be taken to the dedicated promotion support webpages of the WIE site - where you will find further examples of activities that you could include, case-studies of successful applicants and notifications of upcoming workshops to support the drafting of the Impact, Outreach and Engagement elements of your application. 


      You can also get in touch with us directly at 

      AP PC