Technician Sustainability Working Group
Technical Staff and Sustainability – Monday 7th March 12noon (1hour)
Please register below
The University is committed to working together to address the climate emergency and we are developing our Way to Sustainable strategy.
There are a number of Green Action Teams across the University who are driving sustainability forward in their departments and we would like to build on this by developing a Technician Sustainability Working Group. This group will specifically focus on addressing sustainability in areas with technical staff, for example looking at energy consumption, waste, and engagement. We believe that many of the issues experienced in one area of the university will be experienced elsewhere and by working together we hope to be able to resolve problems, identify improvements and implement action more holistically.
We are looking for technical staff that are passionate about sustainability to join this group and will be launching it during Green Week. The session is open to all technical staff and no commitment is necessary at this stage. Join us to find out more about getting involved and keeping in touch. We will be joined by Lee Hibbert, Technician Manager, Faculty of Science, from Nottingham University. Lee set up a similar group and has so far undertaken projects addressing repairing equipment in-house, polystyrene recycling and single use plastics.
The group will be supported by Estates with regular attendance from the Sustainability Champions as well as representatives from energy and waste.
Please do not hesitate to contact Katherine Mayfield, Sustainability Champion, with any questions.