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RECOGNITION (work stream lead – Janine Kimpton)

• Role models/case studies
• Professional registration


Could this form a new page under the heading of recognition?

• Higher Education Bioscience Technician of the Year Award – Royal Society of Biology in partnership with the University Biological Managers’ Association
o Prizes awarded for 1st and 2nd place, consisting of £400 & £200 respectively to spend as they wish, one year’s free Membership of the Royal Society of Biology at the appropriate grade, one year’s free Registered Science Technician registration (upon receipt of successful application) and invitation to one day of the UBMA conference to accept award and certificate at the conference dinner.
• Royal Society of Chemistry Higher Education Technical Excellence Award -
o Run annually, the winner receives £2000, a medal and a certificate
• Technicians Make it Happen, STEM Inspiration Awards –Higher Education and Technician's Educational Development (HEaTED),the UK's leading provider of professional development and networking opportunities for all disciplines of the technical workforce
o Outstanding STEM Ambassador - for established STEM Ambassadors
o Outstanding New STEM Ambassador - for new STEM Ambassadors
o Outstanding STEM Technician - for apprentices and those working in technical roles
o Inspirational STEM engagement project - for organisations running enrichment projects
o STEM Employer – with awards for large and small and medium organisations
o The Joan Sjøvoll Award for STEM Leadership - for inspiring leaders who promote STEM
• Papin Prizes awarded at the 2-yearly Higher Education Technicians Summit – 2017 categories were:
o Newcomer Award (an individual who has embarked on a technical career within the past four years and shown exceptional promise)
o Teaching Award (a member of technical staff who has made a significant contribution to the student teaching and learning experience)
o Research Award (a member of technical staff who has made a significant contribution to research)
o Core Research Facility (a member of technical staff within a central research facility/platform who has provided exceptional skills/expertise)
o Infrastructure (a member of technical staff who has made a significant contribution to day-to-day infrastructure to support research and/or teaching)
o Outreach/Community (a member of technical staff or technical team that has made a significant contribution to community/outreach activities)
o Lifetime Achievement (an award to recognise continued excellence and/or significant achievements across an individual’s technical career)
o Technical Team (a technical team who has worked together to deliver excellence)
• Institute of Civil Engineers Awards –
o Jean Venables Medal, awarded to the best Technician Professional Review candidate in the year before the medal is awarded
o Eloise Plunkett Award, awarded to a newly qualified female Member or Technician member based in the UK. The award offers up to £2,500 for travel which has a civil engineering focus.

CPD awards
Awarding body: Science Council
The Science Council’s CPD Awards are designed to celebrate the continued professional development efforts and achievements of Registrants across Registered Science Technician (RSciTech), Registered Scientist (RSci), Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach) status. Nominees can be from any discipline of science and be working at any level but they most hold Science Council professional registration.

IET Achievement Award
Awarding body: The Institution of Engineering and Technology
The IET’s Apprentice and Technician of the Year Awards recognise individuals who standout from their peers and have made noteworthy achievements in their area of expertise. They look for individuals who are role models to others and are passionate about promoting engineering to the world.

Institute of Science and Technology awards
Awarding body: Institute of Science and Technology
Valery Chapman Award is available annually to enable a school/college laboratory technician to attend a conference or training event for the first time. The John Robinson award fund has, in the past, been used for an Outstanding Achievement Award, Outstanding Trainee/Apprentice Award, and Best Conference Poster Award.

IOM3 Technician of the Year Award
Awarding body: Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
Each year, the Institute makes two awards for the Technician of the Year (TOY). The award is open to all those currently studying materials or minerals technology or related subjects and those who have completed such courses within the last two years. There is no age barrier.

Psychology Technicians Awards
Awarding body: The British Psychological Society
The technical support in psychology teaching award and the technical support in psychology research award recognise the valuable role that technicians play in supporting both teaching and research in their psychology departments.

Salters’ National Awards for Science Technicians
Awarding body: Salters Institute
This may not be relevant to university technicians but why not nominate the technician in your local school! The aim of the awards is to highlight the importance of technicians in enabling high quality practical work in science in schools and colleges.

S-labs awards

Awarding body: S-Lab

S-Lab is a not-for-profit initiative that works with university, research institute, and other laboratory sectors and stakeholders to support good practice in laboratory design, operation and management. The S-Lab Awards for Excellence in Laboratory Design, Management and Operation were initiated in 2012 and have been held every year since. The Making a Difference award is particularly applicable to technicians.