The Multilateral Trade Regime: Which Way Forward?
The final report of the Warwick Commission - “The Multilateral Trade Regime: Which Way Forward?” – will be launched on Thursday 6th December at the World Trade Organization, Geneva.
This first report of the Warwick Commission is the result of a 10 month investigation by a team of 18 commissioners from around the world. The result is a thought-provoking report which reflects the thorough debate had by these experts on the future of the world trade system.
The report presents a series of recommendations that are considered to be insightful and challenging as well as practicable. By drawing on the expertise of commissioners from four continents and a variety of backgrounds, the report presents a vigorous analysis of the current trade system with clear ideas about how to take it forward in the 21st century.
It is hoped that the report will be well-received by trade expert, policy makers and members of the lay community, but most importantly, that it will make a valuable contribution to the debate about the current state of the trade system.
The report will be launched at 11am on Thursday 6th December at the World Trade Organization in Geneva. A press release will be available on the website after this time as well as a podcast interview with Pierre Pettigrew, Chair of the Warwick Commission. The report will also be available to download.
For more information contact Peter Dunn, Press and Media Relations Manager, Communications Office, University House University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 8UW. Telephone 024 76 523708, email: