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#41 - Turn a video into an interactive video

  1. Use face-to-face teaching time more efficiently.
  2. Support students' independent study.
  3. Use interactions to encourage students to think more deeply and critically about video content, to reinforce messages, and to give control over the timeline (students can move around the video depending on their actions).
Solution overview

The H5P interactive content tool (available Moodle) includes a content type for interactive videos. Take a video in YouTube or Vimeo, and add annotations, hotspots, hyperlinks, pop-ups, in-video navigation, and quiz questions. If used within Moodle, students' results from the activity are recorded in the module grade book.

  1. First of all you need a video that meets your needs - covering the right content, and with potential for worthwhile interactions being added.
  2. The video must be in YouTube or Vimeo (does not work with our eStream server).
  3. Read the instructions for Interactive Video on the H5P web site (use the link in the tools section below).
  4. Create a new H5P page in your Moodle Module Space, and set it to be an Interactive Video.
  5. Add the url for the video (from YouTube or Vimeo) to your Interactive Video.
  6. Play through the video, controlling the timeline, and pausing as required to add interactions.