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Useful contacts

Off Campus Accommodation Team

Student Reception


Wellbeing Support Services

Students Union Advice Centre

Student Finance

Wawick District Council

Coventry City Council

Emergency Services - 999

If you require an immediate response from the Ambulance Service, Police or Fire Brigade then call 999 immediately. If your concern is of a less urgent nature:

  • Medical Enquiry - 111
  • Police - 101
  • West Midlands Fire - 0845 5000 900

Gas Emergency - 0800 111 999

If you smell gas, think you have a gas leak, or are worried that fumes containing carbon monoxide are escaping from a gas appliance, please call the free Gas Emergency Services emergency line immediately.

Electric Emergency - 105

In the event of an electrical emergency or power outage please call 105 to be put through to your local electricity network operator. 105 is a free service, available from most landlines and mobile phones in England, Scotland and Wales.

Water Emergency - 0800 783 4444

If you have an emergency water supply issue please contact Severn Trent Water immediately.