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Inclusive education training and resources

Resources and training

There is plenty of good work happening within departments and services across the University that supports Warwick's inclusive education goals, as outlined in the Inclusive Education Approach.

Here you will find resources, toolkits, training and guidance to help you ensure our educational offering is inclusive at Warwick, so every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Awarding Gap Dashboard

Use the Awarding Gap Dashboard as a starting point to understand your student data. This will help your department design interventions and activities to address any barriers to success.

Positive Digital Practices

Discover how this co-creation project embedded and sustained positive practices that support mental wellbeing for part-time, mature and distance learners.

Values-based teaching activities toolkit

Do you plan student induction activities or Welcome Week in your department? Use this guidance to help promote a sense of community.

Inclusive behaviours

Being inclusive when we interact with each other is vital. Find out more about the Say My Name project and other useful guidance.

Send us feedback

Let us know if you are working on any inclusive education projects or resources. We are keen to share examples of good practice within and beyond Warwick.

We are also keen to hear any feedback about the resources, training, or where you feel more work needs to be done.
