Undergraduate withdrawal policy
All undergraduate students who withdraw from the University prior to the end of the academic year will be charged a proportion of the tuition fees for the full academic year according to the rules below. The policy covers:
- Withdrawing from the University
- Taking temporary withdrawal from the University
- Restarting at the University on a different course
- Transferring to or from another University
Full-time undergraduate and PGCE students* tuition fee charging schedule
All full-time UG and PGCE students who withdraw from their course of study will be charged tuition fees as follows:
- Attendance in term 1 - 25% of the annual tuition fee for your course will be payable
- Attendance in term 2 - 50% of the annual tuition fee for your course will be payable
- Attendance in term 3 - 100% of the annual tuition fee for your course will be payable
*Please note that students on the PGCE Schools Direct (Salaried) course will be charged in line with the Postgraduate Withdrawal Policy.
Attendance - key dates
A student who withdraws in the first 2 weeks of their course will not be held liable for any tuition fees for that academic year. The two week period is calculated from the first day of the academic teaching year i.e. does not include Welcome Week.
However, please be advised that if you are a first year student and decide to withdraw during Welcome Week then Student Finance England will count this as having attended for one year of your permitted study period.
For all students, attendance in a term will be determined as a student who has attended for at least one day during that term, or whose last day of attendance as recorded by their Department is within a given term.
Outstanding balances
Where a student has not paid the fees owing for the academic year at the point of withdrawal, they will be recorded as in debt to the University and will need to settle the balance of their fees immediately to prevent legal action being taken to recover those fees.
Where a student has paid more than the fees owing, a refund will be organised for any overpaid tuition fees and the funds will be returned to the original payer of the tuition fees using the same method of payment as for the original payment transaction.
A student who temporarily withdraws from the University will be charged fees in accordance with the above policy. The student will need to have settled all amounts owing for their tuition fees prior to returning to their studies.
Details on the procedure to follow for withdrawing from the University or taking a period of temporary withdrawal can be found at http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/academicoffice/studentrecords/students.
Home/EU students with a tuition fee loan from the UK Government
Where a student has taken out a tuition fee loan, the University will notify the SLC of the last date of attendance and the student’s liability for fees will be communicated to the SLC on the above basis. You can find more information about this in our Withdrawing Student Guide.
All students considering withdrawal from the University who have a tuition fee loan with the SLC or any other form of government funding are advised to discuss their withdrawal with the University prior to making their decision, as follows. For issues concerning:
- maintenance loans and grants and Warwick bursaries - email the Student Funding team studentfunding at warwick dot ac dot ukand quote “student loan withdrawal” in the title of the email or you can call 024 761 50096 in office hours.
- tuition fees - email the Student Fees team studentfees at warwick dot ac dot uk) and quote “student loan withdrawal” in the title of the email.
International students - visa implications
International students who are considering withdrawing from the University or taking a period of temporary withdrawal should contact the Immigration Service for advice on any visa implications associated with their withdrawal.
Details on the procedure to follow for withdrawing from the University or taking a period of temporary withdrawal can be found at www.warwick.ac.uk/services/academicoffice/studentrecords/students.
Part-time undergraduate students
All part-time UG students who withdraw from their course of study will be charged tuition fees as per full-time students where fees are charged on an annual basis, i.e. where the student does not have the flexibility to vary the total amount of credit taken in any academic year.
For flexible programmes3, where course regulations allow the total credit taken in an academic year to be varied, and fees are charged on a module by module basis, charges on withdrawal will apply as follows:
For modules of 30 credits or above where the course of study spans three terms, students will be charged tuition fees as follows - attendance in:
- term 1 - 25% of the fee for the module will be payable4
- term 2 - 50% of the fee for the module will be payable4
- term 3 - 100% of the fee for the module will be payable4
3 Current ‘flexible’ part-time degree courses offered by the Centre for Lifelong Learning:
- UPDA-Y304: English and Cultural Studies
- UPDA-T201: European Studies*
- UPDA-LM49: Health and Social Policy
- UPDA-Y302: Historical Studies*
- UPDA-Y306: History
- UPDA-Y305: Humanities*
- UCEA-X1F8: Person-Centred Counselling & Psychotherapy (BA top-up)
- UPDA-Y201: Social Studies.
3 And current ‘flexible’ part-time degree courses offered by other departments:
- UCXA-Q82P: Classics
- UFRA-R10P: French Studies
- ULAA-M303: Law,
*Not currently offered for new intakes but still have students registered
4 Where a student returns to complete a module of 30 credits or above where the course of study spans three terms, the fee charged will be 100% less the amount already charged. e.g. Taking a period of temporary withdrawal in term 2 would incur a charge of 50% of the fee for that year. Returning in term 1 of the following year would incur a charge of 50% of the fee for that year (because you cannot be charged more than 100% of the fee for that module).
For modules of less than 30 credits, and/or where the study for that module is completed within one term, the student will be required to pay in full for any module that they have started, unless they withdraw from their whole course of study within the first two weeks of their course, in which case they will not be held liable for any tuition fees for that academic year. Any module not started will not be subject to a charge. A student will be deemed to have started a module if they have been attending any of the module lectures and seminars.
A student who withdraws temporarily from the University and has paid for a module in full will be able to return to the University at a subsequent date and complete the module at no extra charge, subject to meeting any other conditions of return to study set by the Centre for Lifelong Learning, or their Department.
Where a student has not paid the fees owing for the academic year at the point of withdrawal, they will be recorded as in debt to the University and will need to settle the balance of their fees immediately to prevent legal action being taken to recover those fees.
Where a student has paid more than the fees owing, a refund will be organised for any overpaid tuition fees and the funds will be returned to the original payer of the tuition fees using the same method of payment as for the original payment transaction.
A student who temporarily withdraws from the University will be charged fees in accordance with the above policy. The student will need to have settled all amounts owing for their tuition fees prior to returning to their studies.
Home/EU students with a tuition fee loan from the UK Government
Where a student has taken out a tuition fee loan, the University will notify the SLC of the last date of attendance and the student’s liability for fees will be communicated to the SLC on the above basis. You can find more information about this in our Withdrawing Student Guide.
All students considering withdrawal from the University who have a tuition fee loan with the SLC or any other form of government funding are advised to discuss their withdrawal with the University prior to making their decision, as follows. For issues concerning:
- maintenance loans and grants and Warwick bursaries - The Student Funding team email studentfunding at warwick dot ac dot uk “student loan withdrawal” in the title of the email or by calling 024 761 50096 in office hours.
- tuition fees - please email at studentfees at warwick dot ac dot uk) by quoting “student loan withdrawal” in the title of the email.
International students - visa implications
International students who are considering withdrawing from the University or taking a period of temporary withdrawal should contact the Immigration Service for advice on any visa implications associated with their withdrawal.
Details on the procedure to follow for withdrawing from the University or taking a period of temporary withdrawal can be found at www.warwick.ac.uk/services/academicoffice/studentrecords/students.
Returning from a period of temporary withdrawal
A student who returns from temporary withdrawal will be charged for the period they are registered in the academic year of their return to study, at the relevant fee rate applicable for that academic year. Please note this may include an inflationary increase over your original fee. For information about tuition fee rates please check our Tuition Fee pages.
All full-time UG students including PGCE1 students will be charged as follows:
Return to study:
- at any point in term 1 - 100%2 of the annual tuition fee for your course will be payable.
- from term 2 - 75%2 of the annual tuition fee for your course will be payable.
- from term 3 - 50%2 of the annual tuition fee for your course will be payable.
1 Students on the PGCE Schools Direct (Salaried) course will be charged in line with the Postgraduate Withdrawal Policy.
2 This is the maximum that will be charged. The University has implemented a policy whereby a student cannot be charged more than 100% of the fees for the same year of study e.g. Taking a period of temporary withdrawal in term 2 would incur a charge of 50% of the fee for that year. Returning in term 1 of the following year would incur a charge of 50% of the fee for that year (because you cannot be charged more than 100% of the fee).
Restarting at the University on a different course
A student who wishes to restart at the University on a different course, will be required to withdraw from their current course of study and restart at the University the following October. The student will be liable for fees in accordance with the above policy for their period of study on both courses. Please contact UG Admissions for further details on the procedures around restarting at the University on a different course.
Repeating a year (or part year) at the University
If it has been agreed that you can repeat a period of study, then you will be liable for fees for the original year (or part thereof) and the repeat year (or part thereof). This means that you will be charged again for the repeated period of tuition and this will result in you being charged more than 100% of the tuition fee for your course.
Transferring to / from another University
A student who wishes to transfer from another institution to Warwick University will be required to start their course here from October of the next academic year.
A student who wishes to transfer their study from this University will remain liable for fees in accordance with the above policy for their period of study at Warwick.