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Substance Information Notes

Substance Information Notes (SIN's) are a risk assessment output which provides the users of materials quick reference on what is required to allow the task / procedure to be carried out in a safe manner. They are not a substitute for a risk assessment and they are not designed to be used for 'one-off' activities. Whenever you are using these materials you will still require a risk assessment to be carried out. The expectation is that these would be referenced to within your activity risk assessment and it is within the risk assessment itself where you would establish the level of risk of harm./damage, to whom, how, etc.

What does a SIN cover?
  • Identifies the activity covered
  • Identifies the significant hazards presented by the activity
  • Provides information on the controls that are required to be used to mitigate against those hazards, including any PPE if appropriate
  • Emergency arrangements - spillage management, first aid treatment
  • Disposal of waste

If you carry out an activity using potentially hazardous substances / materials and it is an activity that the University has recognised is regularly repeated, check the 'Index' to see whether there is an existing SIN. If the activity is not covered, but the substance is, and you follow the same controls as described in the SIN, contact the healthsafetyhelpdesk at warwick dot ac dot uk. If there is not a SIN that covers the activity, then the expectation would be for you to conduct a full risk assessment including use of that material or, if a more complex material, or combination of materials, a full Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Assessment which the risk assessment should refer to. There are two proformas for a full COSHH assessment and guidance on these can be found on our COSHH Assessment (Hazardous Substances) webpage.

University Links

SIN Process Flow

Index of current SIN's (this links to SIN documents that have been generated for generic activities)

COSHH Assessment

Risk Assessment

External Links

COSHH Assessment (Health and Safety Executive)

Managing Risk and Risk Assessment at work (HSE)