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Cat 1 Precursor List

Drug Precursor List

Those substances currently classified as Category 1 Drug Precursors are listed below:

Category 1 Drug Precursors* Substance CN Code
Ephedrine 2939 4100
Ergometrine 2939 6100
Ergotamine 2939 6200
Lysergic Acid 2939 6300
BMK(1-phenyl-2-propanone) 2914 3100
Piperonal 2932 9300
Pseudoephedrine 2939 4200
N-acetylanthranilic acid 2924 2300
PMK (3-4 methylenedioxy-phenylpropan-2-one) 2932 9200
Isosafrole 2932 9100
Safrole 2932 9400
Norephedrine 2939 4900
APAAN 2926 9095

*Taken from Home Office Guidance