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Role of the Budget Holder

A Budget Holder essentially has a responsibility to ensure that anything brought into the University that could pose a risk to health, safety or the environment is sufficiently evaluated and that wherever possible a lower hazard category item is purchased. This does not mean that high hazard items cannot be purchased; it simply means that suitable controls must be in place to mitigate any risks risks associated with it's use, handling, transportation, storage and ultimately disposal following its requisition. If there are committee approvals to also be obtained, it is the Budget Holder's responsibility to ensure that these are in place prior to permitting individuals under their control to work with those materials. Enquiries must be sought through Health and Safety Services if unsure what approvals are required, prior to their purchase.

As a Budger Holder, you are responsible for approving requisitions made on behalf of the University. This will require the Budget Holder to use their own knowledge and experience and when necessary to consult with others who have additional competence to establish how the risks will be managed once it has been purchased. All of these must be considered prior to placing an order on the OPeRA system.

It is important that local rules establishing how any risks will be managed are put into place and that these are adhered to by those working with the equipment, material, substance or biological material. For higher hazard categories these may need to be established and additional approvals sought prior to the requisition being made. More explicit information in relation to how the hazard levels are assigned and the relevant approvals that may be required can be found within the 'How to determine the Hazard Level' webpage.