Whole Body Vibration
Whole-body vibration is transmitted through the seat or feet of employees who drive mobile machines, or other work vehicles such as fork lift trucks, quarrying or earth-moving machinery over rough and uneven surfaces as a main part of their job. Large shocks and jolts may cause health risks including back-pain.
Estates Management staff at the University are probably most at risk of exposure to whole-body vibration, i.e. staff who drive motor mowers, tractors, cleaning vehicles, security vehicles etc. Routine work risk assessments should already have identified WBV as a potential risk for staff carrying out these activities and it is likely that measures are already in place to minimise the risk, such as provision of high quality, well maintained vehicles, work rotation to avoid prolonged period in the vehicle, training and guidance on how to eliminate or minimise ergonomic hazards associated with driving.
But if anyone considers they are at risk and have concerns about whether suitable control measures are in place to prevent WBV they should consult their manager and/or your H&S Adviser.