Once you have booked onto the Holiday Scheme, and before your child attends, we ask that you please complete/read the following documents:
Forms to be returned:
1. Registration Form- if your child has attended the Holiday Scheme before and yours and/or your child's details/needs are still the same then you do not need to complete another form.
2. Photography and Video Consent Form- Even if your child have attended the Holiday Scheme before, we require a new form for every Scheme.
Please email to documents to
Information for you to read:
1. University of Warwick Code of Conduct (read only)
2. Easter 2016 Welcome Letter and Important Information (coming soon!)- This document will detail exactly what the children need for each activity, names and contact details of Scheme Staff and pick-up and drop-off locations.
Please see our activity overview for the Easter Scheme 2016. The full timetable will be released on Monday 29th February 2016.
Photography and Video Consent Form
Easter 2016 Welcome Letter and Important Information (coming soon!)