NHS Pension Scheme
If you are going to be working at the Medical School at the University of Warwick in a Clinical or Research Role and have been a member of the NHS Pension Scheme in the last 12 months you may be eligible to join the NHS Pension Scheme. You will be required to complete an SD65 form within 3 months of employment.
Scheme Information
If you are a current member and want further information about the Scheme please click hereLink opens in a new window.
If you are a pensioner and want further information about the Scheme please click hereLink opens in a new window.
Alternatively, you can watch some information videos about the Scheme please click hereLink opens in a new window.
If you need to update your beneficiary nomination form please click here.
Throughout the year NHS Pensions hold different webinars on topics such as "How does the Scheme Work", "How to understand your Annual Benefit Scheme" etc. Please click the following link for further information.
Annual Benefit Statements
To find out more about Annual Benefit Statements please click here for further information.
Thinking about your Retirement
If you are considering retiring you may wish to look at the pre retirement presentation that NHS Pensions provide.