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IT Services

Popular requests

Help Desk

Access our online helpdesk, ask a question, request a service, report a fault or call 024 76573737 (available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year).

Signing in

User accounts for students and staff to access IT facilities. Register for an account, change your password including security questions, or set up two-step authentication. Set up a user code for an external guest user (only current members of staff can request this).

Device security for University Staff

We recommend that all devices accessing sensitive administrative or confidential research data meet security standards. This is to ensure the effective management and protection of sensitive data. If you use an IT Services managed computer, we will take care of this for you. For other devices you should find out how this affects you.


Request a resource account (staff and research postgraduates only) and reset a password for a resource account. Get advice on reducing the amount of spam you receive and how to email large groups of people (up to 500).


Get help with the computer that sits on your desk or travels with you, including buying a computer, setting it up, disposal and file storage. You can also report a faulty computer and borrow a laptop (staff) while yours is broken, or loan one (student) to use in the Library.

  • For other computer related self-service request please see the service catalog


Buy printer credits. Request a service from the printing team such as access to network printers or advice on which printer to choose.

Telephones and mobiles

Order a mobile phone for staff. Choose a new phone or order (or change) a line. How to set up a new iPhone. Choose and order a headset.

Web publishing

Request a new SiteBuilder web site. Download the My Warwick app for personalised information and alerts. Get started with Tabula or Moodle.

Work areas

Computer rooms for staff and students. Find a free PC in a work area. Staff can book work areas for teaching or report faults.

Audio Visual

View centrally timetabled rooms and their AV equipment or report faulty AV equipment. Staff and research postgraduate students can get help with filming and multimedia or record TV or radio programmes. Compare telephone, video and desktop conferencing. Contact a technician in an emergency during a lecture

More services

Guides on IT services and tools for:


Teaching & Learning

Collaboration & Communication

New Students

New Staff

Working from home

IT Equipment


Consultancy & Guidance

We support over 800 servers on 40 hosts, with an average uptime over the last year of 99.995%

2,800 requests for and changes to desk telephones handled per year

510 The Managed Network Printing service roll-out has saved the equivalent of 510 trees, 8.5m sheets of paper, 235,000kg of CO2 and 85,000 m3 of water

70,000 requests, queries and faults are handled through our online Help Desk annually

6,300 average connections per day to the ResNet Wi-Fi network in the last 12 months

"… During my three years here at Warwick I have been impressed by the consistent and excellent quality of service from the ITS team, especially the IT training team, and have always recommended them to my peers. "

28,000 network ports on campus available consistently over 99.95% of the time

In SiteBuilder 239,120 edits have been made over the last 12 months

We can help you to create effective, usable websites by providing you with site designs, homepage layouts, copywriting, advice and support.


GreenIT status: normal

All services working normally.

Work planned for the next 7 days

View the full calendar

Need more help?

For discussions about support for the use of technology in research, teaching and learning, please contact the Academic Technology team.