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How can I embed the campus map on a Sitebuilder page?

You can embed the map on Sitebuilder webpages. In the Sitebuilder HTML editor, enter the following code snippet where you would like the map to appear:

<iframe frameborder="0" height="460" src="" width="501"></iframe>
<li><a href=""> View the full Interactive Campus Map</a> </li>

You can control the size of the map by setting the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes in the above code. If you want to embed a smaller map (height below '460' and width below '501'), you can improve the display of the controls by adding ?lite=1 to the URL:

<iframe frameborder="0" height="300" src="" width="300"></iframe>
<li><a href=""> View the full Interactive Campus Map</a> </li>

You can also have the map pre-highlight a certain feature such as a building by including a search term in the source URL. The example below shows the map URL supplemented with a query for 'Sports Centre':

<iframe frameborder="0" height="460" src="" width="501"></iframe>

Using the example above, substitute the text 'Sports+Centre' for your required search term. Note that spaces should be replaced by the '+' symbol.

If you have any queries about embedding the campus map on Sitebuilder pages then please contact webteam at warwick dot ac dot uk.