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Add a single-choice rating set to a form

Use a single-choice rating set to enable respondents to rate a list of items against a numerical or descriptive scale. In the example below, we ask respondents to rate their satisfaction with aspects of a conference.
  1. Go to the form you wish to edit.
  2. Go to Edit > Edit formsbuilder page.
  3. Under Allow the user to make a choice, select Single-choice rating set.
  4. In the Field name box, enter the name you want to appear as the column heading in the form submissions table. For example:

  5. In the Label box, enter the question or instruction to show the respondent on the form – for example:

    How satisfied were you with the conference?
  6. Enter your scale in the Possible ratings section. You can use numbers (say 1-5) or words. For the conference example, we ask the respondent to choose one of four ratings:

    • Very satisfied
    • Satisfied
    • Unsatisfied
    • Very unsatisfied
  7. In the Items to rate section, enter one item per box – for example:

    • Accommodation
    • Food and catering
    • Talks
    • Venue facilities
  8. If you want a rating to be selected by default when the form loads, choose an option from the Default rating drop-down list.

    Tip: when you ask for a rating, we recommend you leave the Default rating blank. Otherwise, should the respondent skip the question, they may submit the form with the default rating selected.
  9. To make this question mandatory, select Required. The respondent must choose an option before they can submit the form.
  10. To show the rating set only to editors of submissions – and hide it from respondents – select Only visible to editors.
  11. Select Save.
  12. Select Done at the top right to view the published form:

    Single-choice rating set

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