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Add an X (formerly Twitter) feed

Important: Due to recent changes made by X (formerly Twitter), embedded Twitter feeds in the old visual editor are currently not displaying any posts. Unfortunately this issue is beyond our control, and we have no information on when - or if - these feeds will begin working again.

X feeds in the Components Editor are working as expected - you may be interested in our help article on how to convert a page to the Components Editor.

Note: Since late June 2023, X requires you to be logged in to view posts for unverified accounts. Visitors to pages with a Twitter feed for an unverified account who are not logged into an X account will see a "Nothing to see here" message.

You can embed a feed of recent posts to an X (formerly twitter) account on a SiteBuilder page.

In this article:

Insert an X feed in the Components Editor

  1. Go to the page where you want to add the X feed.

  2. Select Edit > Edit centre content.

  3. Place your cursor where you want to insert the feed.

  4. In the components menu, select Feeds > X (formerly Twitter) feed:

    The Components Editor, showing the 'Add content feeds' menu with the Twitter feed' option highlighted

  5. The X (formerly Twitter) feed settings pop-up appears:

    The 'Twitter feed' settings pop-up

  6. In the X feed box, enter the username of the account you want to display. For example, to embed the Warwick University X account, enter uniofwarwick.

  7. Set either the component's Height in pixels, or the maximum Number of posts to show.

    Note: Setting the Number of posts to show disables the Height in pixels field, and the component will appear at the standard height of 600 pixels.

  8. Select Show replies if you want the feed to display the target account's replies to other users' posts.

  9. Select Add X feed. A preview of the feed appears on your page, and can be edited or moved on the page similar to other components.

  10. When you've finished editing your page, select Publish. You will see the feed embedded on your page - for example:

Insert an X feed in the old visual editor

    1. Navigate to the page where you want to add the X feed.

    2. Select Edit > Edit centre content or Edit right content, as required.

    3. Place your cursor where you want to insert the feed.

    4. In the toolbar, select to Insert a > Twitter feed.

    5. In the Twitter feed box, enter the account username - it's the part after the URL. For example, the University's Twitter account is at

    6. Enter the number of Tweets to show.

    7. Choose whether or not to Include retweets in the feed.

      The 'Twitter feed' pop-up

    8. Select Insert. Code similar to the following is added to your page:

      [twitter-feed num=3 retweet=false]@uniofwarwick[/twitter-feed]
    9. When you have finished editing your page, select Publish. You should see the most recent posts embedded on your page - for example:

    [twitter-feed] tag attributes

    Retweets aren't shown in feeds by default. You can include retweets by changing the retweet=false part of the tag to retweet=true.

    You can display a plain text (unstyled) version of the Twitter feed - including links for hastags, @mentions and URLS - and a customised title by adding plaintext=true to the tag. For example:

    Give the feed a custom title by adding title='Your title' to the tag. If your title contains an apostrophe, enclose it in double quotes, for example title="My Department's Twitter feed".