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View recent edits

Users with edit or admin permissions for a site's home page can see a list of recent operations on the Current site tab in SiteBuilder. Alternatively, to see what pages under a particular URL have changed recently, you can subscribe to an RSS feed.

In this article:

View recent changes on the Current site tab

  1. Browse to your site's home page.

  2. Go to Edit > More:

    The SiteBuilder 'Edit' menu, with the 'More' option highlighted

  3. Select the Current site tab:

    The 'Current page' tab

  4. The Recent operations section displays a list of changes made on the site in the last week:

    The 'Recent operations' panel

  5. To see a full list, select View all recent edits.

  6. You see the View edit activity... screen:

    The 'View edit activity, including sub-pages' screen

  7. Use the options at the top of the page to filter the list of changes by:

    • Start date and End date: Only shows changes made between the specified dates.

    • User code: Look for changes made by yourself, or another specified user.

    • Only for pages under: Only returns results for pages beneath a URL you specify.

Subscribe to an RSS feed of recent edits

To subscribe to site changes via RSS, you first generate a URL:

  1. Take the path of the topmost page you want to see recent edits for. This is the part of the URL after - for example, the path for the IDG website is:

  2. Add the path onto the end of the following:

    For example, to subscribe to changes to the IDG site, you would have:
  3. Enter the resulting URL in your RSS reader of choice.

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