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Michelle Watson - My day Hosting Gold DofE at Buckingham Palace Gardens

Michelle WatsonHear from Michelle Watson, Graduate Management Trainee on University of Warwick Graduate Scheme who is currently studying towards a project management apprenticeship. Michelle has previously successfully completed the gold level in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards and was invited to be a host at Buckingham Palace Gardens for those who have recently achieved their gold level.

When I was first invited to help host the Gold Duke of Edinburgh awards I was over the moon, but with my excitement soon to be squashed as a result of the onset of the pandemic. 2 and a half years later I was invited once again to help host VIPs as part of the Gold Duke of Edinburgh presentation awards and I jumped at the chance.

Unlike my own award day, this one was due to take place during the summer, meaning that I would get to see Bucking Palace Gardens- a challenge in its own rights as I had never been there and would be expected to show people around it. To say I was nervous before the day would be a gross understatement, having never done anything of its like I was truly going in blind. But how glad I am that I did. I was lucky enough to stumble into a group of hosts on my way to the palace entrances, and a lot of them were old hats at hosting-something I will aspire to be able to say in the future. As we arrived, I found out that those who were hosting the (for lack of a better word) A-listers were the old hats. My job for the day was helping all of the staff, and hosting trustees or donors when the time came.


My morning group were from a corporate marketing firm who were trustees and a more fun and relaxed group I couldn’t have asked for. Although one of them was quite mischievous and a wanderer, I was eventually told to give up on trying to corral him and just guided the other 2 around the gardens and the various talks, of course making sure we got our tea and cupcakes. The afternoon saw me hosting an accounting firm, with a strong charitable arm, who had newly set up their own DofE group as a part of their apprenticeship. They were celebrating their own young people who were there on the day- and whom I had to get into position to meet HRH the Earl of Wessex, who couldn’t have been more lovely and charming- almost as much as on my own awards!


The highlight of my day had to be 2 fold, the first being that I got to hear a proud Gay South African dancer- Johannes Radebe- speak as a keynote following HRHs speech. To be a South African standing outside Buckingham palace and hear someone who came from a country I still love and call (in part) my home was truly grounding. It made me realise how far I, my family, and the world had come. It shook me to my core and made me realise that had I not taken the plunge and signed up to volunteer (something that truly terrified me) I would never have been able to experience. The second was, and corny as this may be, the friends I made on the day. They tried to convince me that every year one of the new hosts has to jump in the lake and since I was one of only 3 new hosts it was likely to be me! I could spot that one a mile away though, and told them if they go in first, I'll be sure to follow!


Overall, despite the aching feet (I did 17km! That's more than you need to do on a Duke of Edinburgh day hike!) I would not change that for the world, and I will certainly be going back to replicate it- and maybe one day even become confident enough to host the VIPs!

Tue 13 Sep 2022, 09:10 | Tags: warwickuniapprentices warwickuniapprenticeships