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Leading Warwick Programme

This programme is delivered by our partners at Warwick Business School.

It’s aim is to build strategic leadership capability that enables our most senior leaders to:

• Build the future

• Set direction

• Establish strategic objectives

• Set clear accountabilities

• Work collaboratively – taking a ‘Warwick’ approach

• Lead and coach others effectively

• Attract, develop and retain talent

• Develop capabilities of others to enable them to progress

• Empower others to deliver

• Act as Role Models – living the values and behaviours • Drive Inclusivity

What will I learn?

This programme will help you:

Understand your own role within the wider University strategy.

Explore a range of strategic leadership models/approaches with an understanding of when to use different approaches to meet strategic challenges.

Understanding ‘self’ - having a good understand of intrapersonal drivers and how these impacts one’s own leadership approach.

  Understand interpersonal strengths and weaknesses and how these impact one’s own leadership approach.

Display behaviours that role-model our principles, values and behaviours.

Champion, and personally demonstrate, the Inclusive Behaviour Framework.

Is it right for me?

You will benefit from this programme if you are a member of the Warwick Leaders’ Forum. You’ll need have the availability to commit to:

A diagnostic profile ·

Three, three-day, modules

A one-day capstone event

Attend Action Learning Sets

Take on an organisational-focused project

Coaching with an external coach

How do I apply?

This programme is by invitation only from our Vice Chancellor, however if you are a member of the WLF and wish to register your interest for a future cohort then please contact the programme lead, Elizabeth Astill, with your details.