Writing for the REF workshop
These are half-day workshops which will be delivered by an external impact consultant and a R&IS Research Impact Manager. They will be provided for between 15-20 participants per workshop. The purpose is to support impact case study leads in the early stages of their case study writing. The approach will equip participants with an evidence-based knowledge of the characteristics that define excellent impact case studies, illustrated with examples from the consultant's extensive experience of preparing REF impact case studies.
The workshops will incorporate dedicated time to begin writing elements of the case studies in a supportive environment. The workshops will include:
- An introduction to case studies
- Good practice examples
- Reviewing examples from 2014
- Working on your own case
Who should attend?
REF2021 Impact Case study Leads and teams
Workshop objectives
Attendees will learn to:
- Articulate the non-academic impact of research
- Link impact to the underpinning research
- Understand the benefits of creating a narrative framework
- Recognise 'good' evidence and how to incorporate effectively within the case study
- Convincingly convey reach and significance
Workshop dates:
Wednesday 4th December, Humanities
Monday 9th December, Wolfson
Wednesday 15th January, Ramphal
4th December
Start - 12pm
Finish - 4pm
9th December & 15th January
Start -10.45am
Finish - 3.00pm
Refreshments and lunch available
Any questions?
Workshop content:
R&IS. Ext:24520
Workshop arrangements:
Learning and Development Centre