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Research Active Staff (RAS): Planning your Publication Strategy - Conference Papers

(A collaboration between Student Careers and Skills and The Library)

This session will focus on conference paper publication and we will reflect a little on the ways in which conference publications are treated very differently between disciplines.

Who should attend?
University of Warwick Research Active Staff (staff on Research-focussed, Teaching-focussed and Research & Teaching contracts) and PhD Students.

Workshop Objectives :
This session will focus on conference paper publication and we will reflect a little on the ways in which conference publications is treated very differently between disciplines. The session will introduce tools and approaches to finding the right conference and discuss getting the most from the conference once you get there.

By the end of the workshop you will have:

  • Investigated a range of tools to discover the latest conferences in your subject area.
  • Discussed the different options available to you to use a conference to promote and disseminate your work and how they might differ from other types of publication.
  • Discussed aspects of networking while at a conference and shared hints and tips about getting the most from a conference.

Led by:
Julie Robinson,
Scholarly Communications Manager, The Library

Workshops in the Planning your Publication Strategy Series 2018/9 that have already run:

Journals (Sciences and Medicine)
Wednesday 16 January 2019
(Resource Bank Page)

Journals (Arts and Social Sciences)
Wednesday 30 January 2019
(Resource Bank Page)

Scholarly Books
Thursday 14 February 2019
(Resource Bank Page)





Any questions?

Workshop content:
Julie Robinson
Scholarly Communications Manager, The Library

Sandy Sparks 
Organisational Development Consultant, Research Active Staff, Organisational Development
Ext: 74121

Workshop arrangements:
Jane Cooper 
Administrative Assistant, Organisational Development
Ext: 24893