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Communicate: How to share your news and views

There are many different ways to communicate with our diverse range of audiences at Warwick. Targeted communications tend to be more effective than sending out the same message to everyone which can get lost in the noise, so it's wise to think about exactly what you want to achieve, and who really needs to know.


The central Internal Communications team can offer advice and guidance on University-wide staff communications, and manages a number of all-staff channels. However, local level communication takes place throughout the University and is handled by departmental communicators and administrators.

Read our quick guide and channels guide to get started.

Central channels include:
  • insite - our staff hub
  • inbox insite - our weekly all-staff newsletter (via email to all staff every Wednesday)
  • Management Matters - our monthly email newsletter for line managers
  • Heads of Department Bulletin - emailed as needed to our Heads of Department and Departmental Administrators

Other channels:

Although not handled by the Internal Comms team, the following options can also help you share your message.

Toolkits for communicators

Do you handle staff communication for your department? We have a range of online tools, guides and information to help you.

Communicating internally: a writing guide for staff members

Internal visual guidelines

Current students

Student communications are handled by our Student Recruitment Marketing team and Students' Union.

Local community

The Regional Strategy & Partnerships team can offer advice on engaging with our local community.


The Alumni Relations team can offer guidance on ways to communicate with our alumni.