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Annual Accommodation Round

The Annual Accommodation Round is the process by which departments are allocated space. The current allocations made to each department are assessed. Departments are able to outline their future plans and bid for new space. Space Management manage the process through the ARC Annual Planning Round. The Space Management CommitteeLink opens in a new window approve allocation decisions.

Stage 1: Review and Submission of a Space Return by each department:

Departments receive a space return. The space return displays a record of their current space footprint. Departmental representatives check this return against their space and update the return accordingly. Changes in the usage of space should be recorded on the space return. The return is reviewed by the Space Management Assistant. Space records are updated in the Estates database. The process for completing space returns is currently under review as part of the migration of the records to a new database.

Stage 2: Production of Space Summary Reports for each department:

The Space Management team produce Space Summary Reports for each department. This information provides a summary of how the department is using its space. The report uses information from the Space Return, HR staff numbers data, student numbers data and the Room Utilisation Survey. These summaries are provided to departments for use in ARC planning meetings.

Stage 3: Consideration of space requirements at ARC:

Where possible new staff or activities should be accommodated in existing space. The Space Guidelines provide guidance on efficient usage of space. Where this isn't practical, departments can discuss their requirements at ARC. The appropriate action can then be agreed.

Stage 4: Departments submit requests for space:

Departments should submit requests for additional space using the Space Request web-formLink opens in a new window. Space Management review all space requests from departments. Allocations are decided in consultation with departments and the Chairs of Faculties.

Stage 5: Departments are informed of allocation changes:

The Space Management Committee approves the final allocations of space. Departments are then notified of all changes in their space allocation for that year. Departments have the opportunity to respond to the decisions.

Stage 6: Transfer of space between departments:

Once the Space Management Committee have agreed all space allocations, the handover of space between departments takes place during the summer vacation. Any moves of staff and equipment are coordinated by the Interior Design, Furniture and Equipment TeamLink opens in a new window in Estates.