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Conduct and Resolution

Conduct and Resolution

Reporting an Incident of Student Misconduct

Allegations of misconduct are received by the Conduct and Resolution Team from various different sources.

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Regulations, Policies and Processes

On enrolment and re-enrolment all students at the University of Warwick are asked annually to agree to our principles and complete the Warwick Values Moodle

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Student Liaison Officers

Who are Student Liaison Officers, and how can they help you?

Not sure if you want to formally report something, but want support and advice?

Click here to find out more about the Student Liaison Officers

Report and Support

Report and Support is the University's online reporting platform that offers direct help for those affected by bullying and harassment, discrimination, hate crime and sexual misconduct.

Click here to find out more about Report and Support

Our ways of working

As part of the principles of good practice, as outlined by the OIA (Office of the Independent Adjudicator), the Conduct and Resolution Team strives to work in a way that covers the following principles:

  • Accessibility
  • Clarity
  • Proportionality
  • Improving the student experience
  • Timeliness
  • Fairness
  • Independence
  • Confidentiality

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Support and Resources

We recognise that both reporting an allegation and undergoing a disciplinary investigation can be a stressful time for the students, their friends and families. There are several areas of the University that are available to support during this time.

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