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Eleanor Spence


Tel: +44 1491 692443

Email: or

Website : abiophd

Centre for Ecology & Hydrology,

Maclean Building,

Crowmarsh Gifford,


OX10 8BB

I am a PhD student on a NERC CASE studentship with the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, Warwick University and industrial partner with BASF SE. My project involves investigating the interactions of entomopathogenic fungi with other biological and chemical pest control agents used against the greenhouse whitefly on greenhouse crops. I will investigate the how these interactions can be altered based on their application and the abiotic conditions in which they are used.

My PhD began in September 2017 and aims to be completed by September 2021.

Please visit my website throughout my PhD for blog posts on training, conferences and other experiences. abiophd


Student Roles

  • Student representative at CEH (2018-2019)
  • SSLC PGR Symposium organising committee member (2017-2018)



I am a STEM ambassador and member of the CEH PhD student public engagement group.

I applied and won a grant of £2,500 from CEH to organise my proposed public engagement with the help of other students.

Past events:

  • September 2018: Didcot Aureus Academy Speed networking event. 70 students aged 11 and 12 years old were split into small groups and circulated between stations holding 1 of 15 STEM professionals. Students had 5 minutes with each ambassador.
  • November 2018: CEH & Wallingford Brownies. An evening talking about micro-plastics and our environment with girls >10.
  • October 2019: Inspiring science students of Warriner School, North Oxfordshire. 5 x 1 hour session of interactive activities and a talk about entomopathogenic fungi.

Upcoming events:

  • March 9th - 20th 2020: 'I'm a Scientist, Get me out of here.' Online Q&A with high-school students across the UK, competing with other scientists for votes to win money for outreach activities.

Research Interests

  • Microbial pest control
  • Entomology
  • Insect Pathology
  • Integrated Pest Management