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Economics | International Foundation Programme for International Students

Our Economics course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to be able to progress on to a range of Economics-related degree courses at university.

You will be presented with a range of economic models and theories designed to understand key economic issues and problems, including the choices made by economic agents faced with scarce resources under conditions of uncertainty. Students on this course would typically be looking to progress to a range of undergraduate degrees such as EconomicsLink opens in a new window, Philosophy, Politics and EconomicsLink opens in a new window, and MORSE (Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics)Link opens in a new window

Key Information

Mode of Study: Full-time, on-campus

Course Start: 29 September 2025 (available with Extended Intensive English, start date - 18 August 2025)

Course End: 26 June 2026

Department: Warwick Foundation Studies

Application Deadline: 31 July 2025

The modules on this programme have been developed to give you a thorough preparation for a range of related undergraduate degrees.

Pure Mathematics

In the Pure Maths module you will develop skills in building, applying and reviewing mathematical models and techniques to analyse mathematical problems. You will learn which models to use in a variety of relevant topics and the limitations of models in the context of the real world. Throughout the duration of the module, you will develop your ability to reason logically and recognise incorrect reasoning, to generalise and to construct mathematical proofs, as well as being able to communicate effectively in a mathematical context.

Statistics and Further Mathematics

This module focuses on developing your skills in building, applying and reviewing statistical and further maths models and techniques to analyse practical problems. You will develop your understanding of statistical and further maths concepts and processes so that you become confident in their use and application. By the end of the module you will be able to use statistical and further mathematics principles in the analysis and solution of real world problems in the sciences and engineering.


The module focuses on developing your skills in understanding complex economic problems and building, applying and reviewing models which analyse these problems and issues. You’ll be made aware of alternative viewpoints that prevail in the economics literature and how different assumptions or applications can affect the conclusions drawn. The module will develop your understanding of the intuition behind more mathematical models and the uses of these in more advanced study of micro and macroeconomics. This module will prepare students for a wide range of courses, specifically those relating to economics and mathematics.
Our Inquiry and Research Skills for Social Science, Economics, Law and Arts is a core module on this course, and is delivered in two parts to complement your other modules. The first part of this module looks at developing core research and inquiry skills including academic searching, using sources, teamwork, reflection and problem based learning inquiries. The second part of the module allows you to put everything you have learnt into practice through a research based project.
All students will also study an English for Academic Purposes module. This module is not about developing your conversational or everyday English skills; instead, it will develop your Academic English skills. You will consider how academic essays should be written, including looking at appropriate referencing and paraphrasing, as well as thinking about how presentations should be delivered in an academic context.

Please note that given the interval between the publication of these modules and enrolment, some of the information may change. You can find out more by reading our terms and conditions.

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Meet Macie

Find out what it is really like to study at the University of Warwick directly from Macie, who studied the IFP Economics programme in 2024 and is now completing her BSc Economics degree at Warwick – get answers on campus life, accommodation, study support, wellbeing and more.