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Warwick Economics Summit 2012 Logo


Warwick Economics Summit is an international forum where hundreds of talented students gather to listen to some of the most revered and inspirational speakers of our time. More than a weekend of economics-based talks, the Summit encompasses the broader spheres of development, politics, globalisation and international relations. Hence, it remains relevant and in tune with today's wider issues.

In its previous incarnations, the Summit has welcomed distinguished speakers such as Professor John F. Nash Jr (Nobel Laureate 1994), Dr. George A. Akerlof (Nobel Laureate 2001), Steven Landsburg (Author of "The Armchair Economist") and the Rt Hon Alistair Darling MP (Chancellor of the Exchequer, Her Majesty’s Treasury).

Half of our attendees travel from a host of leading UK universities and the rest from across the world each year for our event. The last Summit saw attendees welcomed from Croatia, India, Brazil, Sweden and North America, to name a few.


To find out more, please click here (requires Web Sign-on). Alternatively, you can join our recruitment group on Facebook.