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Christmas Tips

As Christmas is approaching, and many get into the Yuletide spirit, we are all looking forward to a well-earned break and a festive chance to recharge and see our friends and loved ones. 

Please see our staff Christmas message here and our student Christmas message here.

During this time, please remain mindful of the sustainability of the season and its effects on your planet. Consider small, positive changes to make this year's and future years' celebrations one of joy for all. Please see our top tips on how to reduce your impact this Christmas below:


  • Look for second hand decorations e.g. from charity shops. 


  • Avoid using single-use napkins, instead opt for washable ones which can be used year after year.  
  • Eat produce that is seasonal and sourced locally.  
  • Prevent food waste by planning your meals and freezing any leftovers.  
  • Only purchase what you will actually eat.  


  • Opt for buying experiences over ‘things’. 
  • Make handmade gifts. 
  • Shop zero waste. 
  • Buy second hand from charity shops. 
  • Use any ribbon/string you have lying around to wrap the gifts.  
  • Consider gifting a donation on someone else’s behalf.  
  • Save any Christmas cards you receive to use as tags next year.  
  • Avoid wrapping paper with glitter or foil, as this cannot be recycled, and ensure both are FSC certified. See ideas for sustainable gifts here.  


  • Buy second hand clothes for festive celebrations from charity shops. 
  • Come along to Swap Shop on the 5th of December, where you can swap a Christmas item (jumper, santa hat, elf costume, etc.) for something else. 
  • Visit one of our Santa Swap Stations on campus. Each station will be a box filled with various Christmas items, where you can drop and swap an item. Find out more here. 

    Photo by Roman Kraft

Find more tips on having a sustainable Christmas here. You can also follow us on @Warwickunisust to see our sustainable Christmas tip series.