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Our Future Campus

Our campus is becoming a living lab so we can test out new mobility ideas, approaches and technologies that could help to address the climate emergency.

Visit the Our Future CampusLink opens in a new window pages to find out more about the project and the many ways you can reduce your carbon emissions when getting both to and around campus.

  • Cycling including West Midlands Cycle Hire
  • Increased pedestrian and cycle space
  • Car Club rental scheme
  • Demand Response Transport Service (DRT)
  • Tandem taxi bus service
  • Buses including a subsidised bus service

Learn more about some of the above initiatives as well as car parking on campus, taxis, and driving for work on an additional webpage -Transport and Mobility

Did you know?

The average petrol car emits around 4 times more CO2 per passenger Link opens in a new windowthan the average bus. Help save CO2 emissions by opting for public transport when possible!

Opting for the train instead of driving reduces your emissions for that journey by around 80%Link opens in a new window

In 2019, transport as a whole accounted for 27% of the UK's carbon emissionsLink opens in a new window- higher than any other sector.

In 2019, cars accounted for 18% of the UK's carbon emissionsLink opens in a new window