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Bug Hotel Making

As part of Green Week, we will be running a Bug Hotel Making session in collaboration with the Grounds and Gardens Team. This will take place on the 6th of March, between 13:00-14:00pm. This event is open to staff and students. This will take place near the Student Allotments, and the exact location will be sent to you upon booking. There are a maximum of 15 spaces available, so sign up now!

What is a bug hotel?

Bug hotels can be made in a variety of forms, and we are going to make them using pallets. We will fill these palettes with a range of natural materials, including twigs, moss, bark and leaves. This creates a brilliant habitat for a variety of invertebrates, providing them shelter and boosting biodiversity. The bug hotel will attract species such as spiders. beetles, ladybirds and more! This therefore provides a natural food source for wildlife like hedgehogs and birds. Check out some of the bug hotels we have made previously, below!

What should you wear?

This activity could be muddy, so we suggest wearing walking boots, and clothing that you don't mind getting muddy e.g. waterproof trousers and a fleece! Please also bring along some gardening gloves.

I would like to come along to the Bug Hotel Making session. (required)
I consent to the images/recordings of me being used for promotional purposes in the digital communications and print publications mediums listed in the guidance section above. (required)
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