Litter picks - Wednesday Warwick Wombles
Wednesday Warwick Wombles was launched in January 2023 and involves monthly lunchtime litter picks across campus for both staff and students. Sessions normally take place on the third Wednesday of every month for approximately one hour. Bags, gloves and pickers are provided but please bring your own if you have them.
Sign up for the next session NOW and earn a point towards the Warwick Award after attending three litter picks. Sign ups will be open for the next month after the end of each event.
Dates for your diary:
- Wednesday 19th March, 12-1pm
- Wednesday 16th April, 12-1pm
- Wednesday 21st May, 12-1pm
Wednesday 18th June, 12-1pm
Please note: depending on the numbers of attendees, we may ask you to pair up and share a picker and rubbish bag with someone else. Please wear suitable footwear and be mindful of habitats when you are picking - try and stick to pathways.
Please read the Risk AssessmentLink opens in a new window before attending the event.