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Opportunities for staff to get involved with Warwick Institute of Engagement. Including training, support for teaching, recognition for engagement work and more.
Opportunities for UG students to get involved with Warwick Institute of Engagement. Including training, how to access Warwick Award points for engagement work, our public engagement interdisciplinary module, support for URSS projects and more.
Opportunities for PG students to get involved with Warwick Institute of Engagement. Including training, how to access Warwick Award points for engagement work, our public engagement interdisciplinary module, support for careers in engagement and more.
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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Public Engagement
Wednesday 21 May, 1pm-4pm, Ramphal
How can we be more inclusive when engaging our audiences and which audiences could we be unintentionally excluding? This session will explore these questions and take you through strategies to help you embed equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into your public engagement practice.