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What do you think of Public Engagement?

Share your thoughts

Warwick Institute of Engagement is currently embarking on a project to develop a framework and methods toolkit for conceptualising and measuring public engagement across our activities. As part of this process ,we would like to invite you to take part in a workshop to share your ideas about good public engagement, what the Institute’s objectives should be, and how we can measure this.

We are running a series of focus group workshops in February and March where you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas on all things Public Engagement, contributing to the work of the Institute. There is a mix of both online and in-person workshops. For our in person workshops lunch is provided, and for those online please feel free to bring your lunch along to eat during the session if you want to.


  • Tuesday 27th 12-1.30pm - in person
  • Thursday 29th 12-1.30pm - online session
  • Monday 4th March 1-2.30pm - in person
  • Thursday 14th March - 12-1.30pm - online