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WIE Conference 2025 - Suggest a session

Thursday 20 March, 9am-4:30pm - Ramphal Building

We're building a programme of content for our conference shaped by you. We want to hear from Fellows, Learning Circles, and anyone else who wants to host a conversation about something to do with Engagement work.

The conference is open to staff, students and, taking on board feedback from last year, we're also very keen to welcome any external visitors who have an interest in engagement work. We'll be building in multiple points over the day for networking and discussion to give all our attendees space to get to know new faces and meet new people.

Format of the day*

*Subject to change depending on what gets submitted

9am - Registration and Networking

9:30 - 10:45am Opening Plenary led by WIE and some invited guests.

10:45am - Break

11am - Choice of breakout sessions

12 pm - Choice of breakout sessions

12:50pm - Lunch

1:45pm - Choice of breakout sessions

2:45pm - Choice of breakout sessions

3:35pm - Join us for posters, table top activities, performances, networking and drinks to close the day

We're open to most things! To help with scheduling we have 2 options for session length that you can choose from, but within that time how you want to structure your session is up to you. You can look back at last years conference if you want to get some ideas, or if you have an idea for a topic but want to talk through how you might turn that into a session please email us and we'd be happy to find a time to help you refine your ideas.

  • 25 Minute Spotlight Session (normally information sharing and a short Q&A). We'll schedule 2 of these back to back in one break out slot.
  • 50 Minute Workshop - These will form the majority of sessions and we'd normally expect there to be an element of interaction and discussion.

Please use the form below to submit your proposal for a session.

If you have an idea for a session you'd like to see at the conference, but you don't want to run it yourself you can also tell us about your idea using this form. We might not be able to run all of these, but we'll use your ideas to inform our programme where possible.

Please submit your session proposal by Friday 31 January 2025