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Engagement with sensitive topics

Engagement with sensitive topics

  • Top tips for planning engagement with sensitive research
  • Article: Could science be communicated better during the next pandemic?
Pathway through trees. Banner reads Engagement with Sensitive Topics


If your research is with a sensitive topic then doing engagement with it might seem daunting. We've collated some helpful guidance below and we'd also recommend you get in touch with the team for advice and support on how you can effectively engage people, whatever you research.

Guidance/ Resources

How to go about engagement with sensitive research

Hana Ayoob

What should you keep in mind when engaging the public with sensitive topics? Watch this short video for a summary of what you need to know. You can also contact the team at for advice and support.

Trauma Informed Practice

Sarah Tombs

How can you keep your public engagement practices safe and supportive while protecting your own emotional wellbeing? Watch these three short videos to learn more.

Article: Could science be communicated better during the next pandemic? The lessons the SMC has learned during COVID-19

External blog post - Science Media Centre

Since 2002 the Science Media Centre has existed to bridge the gap between the scientific community and the national news media – to try to help journalists access top scientific expertise when they need it, and to try to ensure science and evidence has its say in the big stories of the day.