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Planning Engagement Activities

Planning Engagement Activities

  • A Guide to Event Planning
  • Promoting Events
  • Risk assessments
Planning Engagement Activities Banner Over a Teepee style tent


Running an event is great way to engage the public but the planning can be time consuming and stressful. We've pulled together the below resources to help make life easier for you. We're working on developing more resources so if there's something you'd find especially helpful then contact - we'd love to hear your suggestion.

Resources to help you

A Guide to Event Planning  

A step-by-step guide to planning and running your own engagement event. There's even a checklist you can download to make sure you don't miss anything!

Promoting your event

Including Top Tips and where to advertise, this guide talks you through the basics and gives a checklist of places to share your event.

Risk Assessment

Download a blank risk assessment template you can use to assess the risks of your event.