UG Student Training
Module on Public Engagement
Take an interdisciplinary Public Engagement module through IATL.

Warwick Award
Earn points for the Warwick Award by developing your skills and participating in a public engagement event.
E-course: how to create impactful infographics
Sign up now (first come, first served) and complete the online course at any time between now and 31 July 2024.
Pitch Perfect: Presenting to Persuade
Sign up now (first come, first served) and complete this 30-minute online course at any time between now and 31 July 2024.
Public Engagement Masterclass: Pitch Perfect (
Personal Development Fund
Apply to our Personal Development Fund for money to put towards conference fees, course fees, or travel and subsistence related to developing your public engagement skills.
WIE Cafes
Monthly informal meet ups to connect with others and chat engagement.
WIE mentoring programme
For one-to-one ongoing support to develop and share your engagement practice.
WIE annual conference
Read about the talks and workshops that took place at our 2023 conference. Next conference date March 20th 2025.