Warwick ranked 26th in the world for sustainability
On December 19th 2018 Universitas Indonesia (UI) released the result of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2018.
The rankings were announced at the Balai Sidang UI by the Universitas Indonesia’s Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Anis, M.Met and the Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., MM.. The ceremony was also attended by the representatives of Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and Ministry of Research and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
The University of Warwick was awarded rank 26th of the 719 in our first year of submitting information. This places us 8th in the UK.
UI GreenMetric World University Rankings is currently the only university rankings in the world that measure each participating university’s commitment in developing an ‘environmentally friendly’ infrastructure. The rankings look at 6 indicators of each university (setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation and education). This year 719 universities from 81 countries took part.
“We are delighted to have achieved such a high ranking for our first submission to the UI Greenmetrics. It is impressive that since the metric started more and more universities are taking part and to have come 26th out of 719, or 8th in the UK, is an honour. The University of Warwick continues to look for areas where we can further improve our performance to reach new heights across all areas of sustainability on campus.” Chris Ennew, Provost
This great result includes the work the University do around ensuring new buildings are 20-30% more efficient than the average in the UK as well as having improved methods for recycling and disposing of our waste. We also boast a fantastic 224 courses that include sustainability in one aspect or another.
We are keen to see the University continue in its pursuit of sustainability and thank staff and students for their continued support.