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Infectious Diseases (including Covid-19)

What to do if you feel unwell

You are strongly encouraged to stay at home, or in your student accommodation, if you have symptoms of Covid-19 or any other respiratory disease, or if you test positive for Covid-19. Please follow NHS advice. You should let your manager/supervisor/tutor know and staff should follow normal sickness absence reporting procedure, including reporting on SuccessFactors.

Streptococcus A

The advice to staff for 'Strep A' is the same as for other similar infections, which includes staying away from campus if you have any symptoms (including a sore throat), good hand hygiene, good respiratory hygiene and good sanitisation/cleaning. Children are more at risk than adults so it is wise to be aware of the symptoms and what to do if a child is particularly unwell. There is more information available at Streptococcus A (Strep A) | NHS inform

Covid-19 guidance

The government released a ‘Living with Covid-19’ plan in February 2022 which details that the remaining legal requirements linked to Covid-19 have been removed.

Face coverings

Unless there is a specific situation or risk assessment which requires the wearing of face coverings, it is a matter of personal choice whether face coverings are worn.

Please respect other people if they decide to wear a face covering or continue to follow other safety measures that were previously in place.

If you have symptoms of any respiratory infection, and you have no choice but to leave your home, it is NHS advice to wear a face covering, particularly indoors or in crowded places. You are still asked to stay away from campus if you are symptomatic.

Covid-19 Vaccinations

The high vaccination rate nationally and vaccine uptake within our university community has played a key part in being able to return to campus, face-to-face teaching and other in-person activity.

It’s really important to get vaccinated if you haven’t already, and have a booster when you’re eligible, to help keep everyone safe on campus.

Find out more about Covid-19 vaccinations on the NHS website.

NHS COVID-19 appLink opens in a new window - The updated app allows wider entering of a positive result from a commercial PAID-FOR (non-NHS barcoded test) to alert others if they may be at risk.

Apple App StoreLink opens in a new window

Google Play StoreLink opens in a new window


In many spaces across campus we have automated ventilation, which provides appropriate circulation and use of fresh air.

In spaces with opening windows, staff and students are encouraged to open doors and windows if it is felt necessary, and where it is reasonable, safe and comfortable to do so. Every effort must be made to close doors and windows when such spaces are left unoccupied.


Please reach out for support if you need it, either through the Staff Wellbeing Hub, your department or the Employee Assistance Programme. You can also find guidance on supporting students through Wellbeing Support Services.

If you are concerned about working on campus

All staff are now able to work on campus, and, where roles allow, to also work from home under hybrid working arrangements.

If you are worried, whatever the nature of your concern - work-related and/or other/personal reasons - we advise you to contact your line manager in the first instance so that these can be discussed.

  • If your concern relates to caring responsibilities, then we can potentially support you in a variety of ways, including via the University’s flexible working guidelines.
  • If you have caring commitments which are long-term, or apply to specific situations where the need is significant, you may qualify for paid carer's leave.
  • If you have child care responsibilities you may be interested in the working parents staff network.

In all cases, you should in the first instance talk with your line manager.

If you prefer not to discuss your personal circumstances with your line manager, you can speak to your HR Business Partner. You can also access support and wellbeing services.

Guidance for leaders and managers to support staff

Read our guidance to assist managers in supporting staff concerned about a return to working on campus (March 2022).

You can also use the flowchart for supporting staff with Covid-19 related concerns (March 2022), to help managers deal with different scenarios where team members have concerns about returning to work on campus.

HR Business Partners can offer further advice and support, both to managers and to staff with concerns, on request.


Risk assessments

Infectious Diseases Risk Assessment (including Covid-19)Link opens in a new window

Department risk assessments

Health and Safety Services have created a template general risk assessment which departments will be responsible for adopting and adapting to reflect their respective operational activities.

General information regarding Risk Assessments 

Managing Infectious Diseases PlanLink opens in a new window