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Project Officer

Picture of Campbell OrchardCampbell Orchard is the new project officer of the Money and Medals network, bringing his extensive knowledge and passion for numismatics to the role. Campbell is currently pursuing a PhD on the Roman Mint of Tarsus at Warwick University (2021 - 2025). His research focuses on the production, circulation, and use of Roman coins from Tarsus, shedding light on the city's economic and political history. He has also worked with Paul Grimsby for the WCN Public Engagement with Museums Project, photographing a Roman denarii coin hoard.

Before beginning his PhD, Campbell completed a Master's degree at Warwick University in 2020-2021, where he studied epigraphy and numismatics, with a focus on modern collecting practices and coin hoards. Campbell has also been heavily involved with undergraduate classics courses, taking seminars and workshops to guide students in their studies. Prior to his studies at Warwick, Campbell completed a Master's degree at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, where he examined the personification of Roma on Roman Republic coins. He worked on the Victoria University of Wellington antiquities collection, and was also a summer scholar at the RD Milns Antiquities Museum, where he worked on the digitisation of the museum's collection.

Campbell has a deep passion for making numismatics more accessible and engaging for general audiences, particularly through museums and exhibitions. His experience managing and curating the Warwick Classics department coin collection has given him a solid understanding of best practices in numismatic display and interpretation. Campbell brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the Money and Medals network and is excited to contribute to its mission of promoting the study and appreciation of numismatics.