reading lunch: literary works in the education of health professionals
Location: H2.43 CHM postgraduate room, Humanities building
Please note the change from the usual day in previous years, and also that the session will be longer than previously.
We would like to invite you to the CHM reading lunch for this term. Given a slow start, it seems that only one will be manageable before the New Year.
In this and following meetings, we are keen to focus on works of fiction, and in the first meeting we will consider them in the context of ‘Medical Humanities’, here implying the application of the arts and humanities to the education of health professionals.
The suggested reading are:
- a paper on ‘Professionalism’ by Shapiro et al; and two fictional works:
- ‘Baptism by Rotation’, a short story by M Bulgakov (available as an excerpt and in full);
- ‘Carnal knowledge’, a poem by Dannie Abse.
We hope for a fruitful discussion and look forward to seeing you on the 16th. A light lunch will be provided.
Best wishes,
Dan Ewers, Erwann Hollevoet, Philippa West, John Wilmot