reading group: Donna Harsch on communism, women and reproduction in East Germany
Location: R0.14 Ramphal building, University of Warwick
Dear All
We should be glad if you could join us to discuss two examples of the writings of Prof. Donna Harsch, shortly before the seminar that she will leading at 4pm.
This is a slight variation on the regular CHM 'reading lunches'; we will meet in R0.14 (where the seminar will also be held) at 2.30-3.30 pm, with tea, coffee and other light refreshments available in the foyer from 2.15.
The two works by Prof. Harsch, which seem relevant to the topic of her seminar, are:
- ‘Approach/Avoidance: Communists and Women in East Germany, 1945-9.’ Social History 25:2 (May 2000), 156–82.
- ‘Restoring Fertility: Reproduction under the Wings of Mother State (Ch.4), in Revenge of the Domestic. Women, the Family and Communism in the German Democratic Republic (Princeton University Press, 2006)
We hope that Donna Harsch will be with us, and that you can join what should be an interesting interdisciplinary discussion.
best wishes,
Philippa (Philippa West (MA History of Medicine))
John (John F. Wilmot (4th Year PhD, CHM))