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Applicants' Funding Topics and Titles

Please note that these nominated topics are for guidance only and are not exhaustive or specific as to the fields of study successful in gaining these awards.



AHRC /WPRS Successful PhD Titles

Reproductive Health in India - 1947-1994. (PDF Document)

AHRC Successful MA Titles

Exploration of the tension between psyche and soma, so well illustrated in neurasthenia. (PDF Document)

Popular political impact of the wartime organisation Common Wealth. (PDF Document)

AHRC / WPRS PhD topics Also Nominated

Extent to which the English Reformation engendered 'confessionalized' understandings of the body.

AHRC Masters Topics Also Nominated

Activities of Margret Moninger, an American missionary working in Hainan province from 1915- 1927.

Comparative study of how women from Hispanic-American and white ethnic groups in the USA waged a battle for their bodies.


British Academy Successful Academic Postdoctoral Fellowship Title

Pre-school Childcare, 1939-1979 (PDF Document)


ESRC Successful 1+3 Titles

Perceptions of mental illness held by patients' families during the Modern Period. (PDF Document)

The life-blood of the British? – A Postcolonial history of blood-grouping, 1901-1950 (PDF Document)

The Organization of Medical Space and Time in Britain, 1914-1945 (PDF Document)

Titles nominated for +3 competitions

'Boffins, Wonks and Eggheads: Culturing the Heroes of 20th Century Science'


Leverhulme Successful Early Career Fellowship Title

Motherhood c. 1970-1990: An Oral History (PDF Document)


Library of Congress Fellowship

Statement (PDF Document)


STEPS (Malta) Successful PhD Scholarship

App I, App II, App III (PDF Document)

Wellcome Trust Successful Postdoctoral Fellowship

A Contemporary History of Female Sexual Dysfunction, 1960 to the Present (PDF Document)

Soaking up the rays: the Reception of Light Therapeutics in Britain, c.1895-1939 (PDF Document)

Wellcome Trust Successful PhD Titles

From the Sexual Revolution to the ‘New Plague’: A Visual Investigation into Changing Notions of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Britain, 1961-1989”(PDF Document)

‘Hungry for Health’: Protein Deficiency and Bio-Political Citizenship in Guatemala, 1949-1977 (PDF Document)

Professional Interests and the Emergence of ‘Child Abuse’ in Britain, c.1960 – 1987. (PDF Document)

Wellcome Trust Successful MA Title

MA in the History of Medicine (PDF Document)



MA Bursary Successful Titles

The Impact of British imperialist policies on the development of medicine in the Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados and Guyana from 1900-1960s

MA Bursary topics Also Nominated

A Construction of psychiatric diagnosis and gendered stereotyping during the long 1950s.