Amabel Hume-Campbell (Yorke)
Click play above to hear all about Amabel's life and legacy.
Podcast written and narrated by Serena Dyer, Warwick University.
Amabel Hume-Campbell (Yorke)1751 – 1833
Amabel Yorke (1751 – 1833) left behind an extensive archive of letters and diaries, carefully documenting her life, her observations, and her strong political opinions. Growing up immersed in a culture of intellectual debate, Amabel longed to participate in political life. She wrote extensively on the French Revolution, and described herself as an old English Whig.
Primary Sources:
Diaries of Amabel Yorke, West Yorkshire Archive Service, Leeds, WYL150.
Letters of Amabel Yorke, Bedford and Luton Archives and Record Services, Lucas Archive, L30.
An Historical Sketch of the French Revolution from its Commencement to the Year 1792 (London, 1792).
An Historical Essay on the Ambition and Conquests of France, with some Remarks on the French Revolution (London, 1797).