MA Dissertations - Browse Index
Dissertations and Theses
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Stephan Bos, Item “to the litle god xvj d”: Late Medieval Festivity and its Reform, 1450-1642
Fae Honeybell, Cunning Folk and Wizards in Early Modern England
Matthew Jackson, Women, Drink and Agency in Early Modern England and France
Hannah Johnson, The Representation of Old Age in Early Modern Ballads
Emily New, Family Favouritism and Sibling Rivalry In Early Modern England
Caroline Spence, Smuggling in Early Modern France
Laura Spence, Women Who Murder in Early Modern England, 1558-1700
Melissa Tan, The World at Home: Curiosity Collecting in the First Age of Globalisation, c. 1550-1750
David Callaghan, The Role of the Clergy in the Pilgrimage of Grace
David Doddington, Conflict, Competition and Courtship in the Slave Community
Alistar Kelsey, English Responses to the Irish Massacres of 1641