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CfP: 'Small Things in the Eighteenth Century', York, June 2019

Small Things in the Eighteenth Century

6-7 June 2019
Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies
University of York

We invite proposals for papers that address the scale of material objects, in particular the smaller things that have received less critical attention than larger, substantial goods. We are interested in how the scale of things shapes the cultural and / or literary significance of objects and what size might illuminate more broadly about the value and meanings of material culture. Do small things merit different kinds of attention across genres or types of media? How does monetary value, labour and time affect perceptions of the minute? What is the place of the small in scholarly conversations about material culture across humanities disciplines?

Please submit abstracts of up to 500 words, along with a very brief biography, to by October 15, 2018.
Support from the British Academy will cover registration costs and food for all speakers.

This conference is co-organized by Dr Chloe Wigston Smith, University of York and Professor Beth Fowkes Tobin, University of Georgia.


Brittany Scowcroft

Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies
University of York

CREMS: Mon & Wed (Berrick Saul Building)/ CECS: Tues & Thurs (King's Manor)

Tel: +44 (0)1904 328128 (CREMS)/324980 (CECS)



Mon 16 Jul 2018, 10:59

Prof. Peter Marshall wins 2018 Wolfson History Prize

EMECC member Professor Peter Marshall (History) has won this year’s Wolfson History Prize with his book Heretics and Believers: A History of the English Reformation (Yale University Press). The prize, which is awarded annually, recognises and celebrates books which combine excellence in historical research with readability for a general audience.

Wed 20 Jun 2018, 15:43

CfP: Alexander Pope: Text, Book, Work symposium 27 June 2018

Alexander Pope: Text, Book, Work

University of Birmingham, 27 June 2018

The general editors of the Oxford Edition of the Writings of Alexander Pope, in collaboration with the Centre for Literary Editing and the Materiality of the Text at the University of Birmingham, invite you to ‘Alexander Pope: Text, Book, Work’, a one-day symposium to be held at the University of Birmingham on 27 June 2018. Radiating from our central concerns with textual transmission, material texts in manuscript and print, and conceptions of the literary work, discussion will address the range of Pope’s diverse writings and consider possible modes of future reading. Our plenary speaker will be Professor Henry Woudhuysen, Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford. On 28 June, the day after the symposium, there will also be an opportunity to visit the Hurd Library at Hartlebury Castle.

We are currently accepting proposals for 20-minute papers, or 15-minute contributions to a round table. To make a proposal, please send an abstract (no more than 300 words) and a brief bio to M dot Walsh dot 2 at bham dot ac dot uk, by 1 April 2018. For more information, see the symposium website at

Tue 20 Feb 2018, 12:40

CfP for 2018 Social History Society conference, deadline 2nd Feb

Members of EMECC with earlier interests may be particularly interested in the keynote speaker.

This year's Social History Society conference will be hosted by Keele University on 11-13 June 2018. The conference will include a special roundtable session on History & Diversity with Dr Jonathan Saha and others to be confirmed, as well as a keynote lecture from Professor Keith Wrightson of Yale University.

Until Friday 2 February we are happy accept proposals for papers, panels and posters addressing one or more of our conference strands:

  • Social Action, Social Justice & Humanitarianism - a one-off strand convened by Professor Pam Cox
  • Diversity, Minorities & "Others" - a new strand convened by Dr Daniel Grey
  • Self, Senses & Emotions
  • Global, Local & Transnational
  • Politics, Policy & Citizenship
  • Deviance, Inclusion & Exclusion
  • Life Cycles, Families & Communities
  • Economies, Cultures & Consumption

We warmly accept submissions from new and established historians, covering (pre)medieval, early modern, modern and research, from the local to the global.

Call for papers. For more information, please visit

George Campbell Gosling

Lecturer in History, University of Wolverhampton

Communications Officer, Social History Society

Mon 22 Jan 2018, 13:43

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