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Historical Change Part II

Historical Change &

Events in Ukraine



Week 9
Tuesday 8 March, 4.00 - 5.30pm
OC1.09, Oculus Building (hybrid, on Teams)


This workshop follows on from the one held in the autumn. For an overview of that workshop and the aims of this series, see here [link to first page]. In this second workshop, we will focus on two themes: ‘periodisation’ and ‘the event’. The two readings we will discuss are


Daniel Woolf, Periodization: A Defence(forthcoming, he will join us)

William Sewell, A Theory of the Event, in Logics of History (2005)


Daniel Woolf will join us from Canada. Trevor Burnard (University of Hull) will provide a comment. In addition, Claire Shaw and Christoph Mick will consider these two themes in history writing -- periodisation and the event -- in light of recent events in Ukraine. These events are clearly bringing about change, but how should (or will) historians make sense of those changes? Are they best understood in terms of longstanding structural dynamics or contingency? Are they ushering in a new period of history and, if so, can we discern the outlines of a new historical period?

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This event is co-sponsored by EMECC, GHCC and the EHRC.

All are welcome to participate. We’ll have drinks and nibbles.





Claire Shaw

Christoph Mick

Christoph Mick

Charles Walton

Daniel Woolf

Professor Trevor Burnard

Trevor Burnard